
For my thumbnails I tried to capture the dark and unsettling tone that my group members described through lighting and line work. This was hard for me, however it was still a super fun exercise.

Overall, I am happy with these thumbnails. Although I feel like I could try experimenting more with tones and values overtime, as to get better at utilising lighting, with composition to create visually striking images. I will definitely work on this more in the future. As to improve my confidence in this area.

Coloured Background

I wanted to incorporate a green light into one of my backgrounds from the green water around the submerged ship. This is to try to experiment with differing levels of insanity that the protagonist is feeling. Where the green glow will become more and more present, turning from pitch black into a symbolic god like lighting effect. I feel like during the scenes with the squid god we could incorporate these lighting effects, to play about with the idea of whether or not this squid is actually a god.

I also did some rough experimental character sketches for the submerged individuals. Based on group discussions and brainstorms.

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