Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 4

This week I researched sound design to do this, I sourced various YouTube tutorials to do this. I searched for those specifically on how to create music for video games. Level design music and transition music were of specific interest. I was aware how much it can affect user experience and how tempo and soundsContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 4

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 2

Week two focused on the presentations as outlined in week 1. Each presented to the class their concepts of their game. This was useful as I was able to compare our work to that of others. I feel on reflection our ideas were unique as we bucked the trend of simply using first person narrativesContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 2

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 1

Module introduction. This week we began the vertical slice group project. This module is divided between animation and game design components. I was excited about commencing this module as I have a keen interest in game design and feel my skills in animation would be enhanced. On reflection I was apprehensive about the group componentContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 1