Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 13 – Vertical Slice Group Project Portfolio

These are the final completed models and completed game music I created for the games project. With still no access to the game itself or GitHub, I have to hope my other group members implemented it into the game themselves. Spaceship Broken Spaceship Repaired Spaceship Log Cabin Modelling Files Sound Design Files OnContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 13 – Vertical Slice Group Project Portfolio

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 13 – Finished Personal Development Project

This is the finished 30 second animation I created for the personal development project. The audio clip I decided to use was the music for Doom Eternal “The Only Thing They Fear Is You”. I decided to animated it as a band playing it on stage. My original idea had been to have the bandContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 13 – Finished Personal Development Project

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 12 – Personal Development Project

This week heavily involved researching for my individual project, I sourced audio files to use within the animation. I started my research with cartoons and video games as I thought this would provide excellent reference for the aims of my project. I sourced YuGiOh to get inspiration for the animation and source audio clips whichContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 12 – Personal Development Project

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 11

This week focused on camera movements, camera tracking and action/cutscenes. My learning allowed me to implement my previous learning on camera movements and camera tracking. This was useful as it allowed me to develop my 1st/3rd person perspective for video game characters. As a group we were able to transfer this learning to our gameContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 11

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 10

Learning this week focused on aftereffects where we learned about intro and outro animation. We also reviewed trigger animations which I was able to implement and transfer my previous learning. On reflection of this learning I felt I was able to implement this learning to the group project after the introductory cut scene. As IContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 10

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 9

This week focused again on rigging but on 2d rigs instead, we had a guest lecturer who spoke about 2d animation focusing on rubber hose animation. I learned how to create movement using fixed point joints and creating more rigid movements as opposed to floppy, bendy movements. While this learning is not suitable for myContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 9

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 8

The lecture this week focused on rigging models. Rigging is the creation of the skeleton of characters and organic models; rigging allows the animator to independently move elements of the skeleton. As my role within the team focused solely on 3d modelling, rigging was not an essential component of my work. On reflection this weekContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 8

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 7

This was the week of the group presentation, fortunately I was able to resolve the issues independently. I did this by uninstalling Maya, deleting Autodesk,  remaking an account, verifying my student id and reinstalling Maya. On examining discord the group asked me to compete a swamp shack and wanted a log cabin stylized the sameContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 7

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 6

During the tutorial review session the purpose of which was to check how I was getting on in the module and my learnings progression, I discussed my issues surrounding Maya, I was assured the matter would be resolved imminently this could not be done and was referred to tech support within the uni. I hadContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 6

Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 5

I checked the discord app to review the progress of the group. I saw no one had been assigned sound design on seeing this. I felt it was an opportunity to finish sounds and present this to the group. On reflection I should have suggested this to the group I communicated with my tutors regardingContinue reading Animation in the Creative Industry – Week 5