Organic Modelling Assignment – Cute Characters

At the start of this assignment I decided to design my cute character of cuddly toys and teddy bears I own because I love the cute and fluffy feel a cuddly toy/ teddy bear has, I originally thought this would be fairly easy to model and create even though the fur might’ve been a bitContinue reading Organic Modelling Assignment – Cute Characters

3D Modelling Assignment – 3D Modelling

With the design stage out of the way I could now focus on the 3D modelling itself, this would require my knowledge and skills to create my best model using Autodesk Maya. Through our in class tutorials I was able to recap and reacquire my knowledge for a variety of different 3D modelling techniques, andContinue reading 3D Modelling Assignment – 3D Modelling

3D Modelling Assignment – Pre Production Portfolio

For my 3D model, I decided to create a Transforming Sword and Shield. I used my knowledge of anime, video games, and google search to pull together a mood board of inspirational pictures and images for this project. This was the beginning of my research and gathering important reference images.  My main focus wasContinue reading 3D Modelling Assignment – Pre Production Portfolio