These are the final completed models and completed game music I created for the games project. With still no access to the game itself or GitHub, I have to hope my other group members implemented it into the game themselves.


Broken Spaceship

Repaired Spaceship

Log Cabin

Modelling Files

Sound Design Files

On reflection of the entire project I was very proud of what I have learnt and the outcomes I have created. I tackled and overcame the issues with Maya by effectively learning new useful skills, such as Sound Design, and Interactive cutscenes. I feel I was able to learn as much as I did from my independent learning and research which is a massive improvement for me since last year. There were also bad sides to the project I’d like to reflect on. Group work with the project became difficult when software provided by the university stopped working, and when telling the group this it was ignored as they kept asking me for work even though there was nothing I could do at the time. I also felt the weekly presentation were more tedious than useful for the group, mainly because certain areas of the project could have taken 2/3 weeks to complete meaning the presentation would have been empty for a couple of week. As a result blank slides shouldn’t be seen as the group member couldn’t be bothered to do any work those weeks, but instead they were working on elements of the project that were more important that the presentation. I was also upset that the ideas I came up with at the start of the project that they through away, were brought up at the end of the project because we had no narrative and it was claimed that they had came up with the idea cutting all original credit from me. This along with the name calling, aggressive attitudes, and refusal to talk or blanking me from conversations involving the group was disrespectful and unfair.

Overall I feel my part of the project went well. If I was to change anything in the future I would:

Choose my own group, and be working with people I can get along with and can trust to treat me with respect as I would treat them, or if I have the option in final year I would preferably do projects on my own.

Personally I would try and get the presentations done every 4 weeks so that the focus is on the project and not solely on the presentation every week.

Finally I would make sure the project is accessible on all platforms so everyone has access i.e. having a google drive or one drive folder set up so if any member of the group can’t access GitHub they can still see and take part in the game with the group through other means.

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