Game Build;

Tasks involved staring the build of the game using unreal engine, to ensure all the assets, sound files models and animations were all functioning in the unreal project. I created a new project on unreal called ChronoMech and set up folders for each section blueprints, assets etc. After this imported all the relevant sound files and models etc into each corresponding folder I did this to improve my organisational skills while completing this project.

Building the city scape – I had to import building models and road models into the scene and texture them. I researched how to add textures to models in the unreal engine I had to use a texture blueprint which I could add base colour, normal, roughness, and metallic texture maps to my models.

After setting up the city scape;

I then started the characterisation process adding them to the scene and adding their individual texture maps, once this was done I had to go into each characters event graph. I had to code in each of the characters animations running idle jumping transformation animation. Once completed I then made an animation montage so whenever I pressed the T key on the computer the character will perform their animation then transform into their respective vehicle model and when pressed again will return to their robot form. After this I research on YouTube tutorial of which there was many on how to code a third person character and make the level file from a static level to a playable level file. On reflection I found this process very difficult as I had no help and was self taught.

On reflection of this process I feel given the time constraining and my independent learning I fell I performed this task very well.

After this I contacted the game design tutor Brian and asked for help with scripted events and playable cut scenes of which he made two tutorial demonstrating exactly what to do of which with the sequence editor I created an on trigger even where the building s would start to collapse as the characters was running through them and for the cut scene creation I developed on start-up of the game it would do a run around of the entire level to show the character you were playing as and a trigger cut scene when arriving at a specific location on the map the boss fight intro will be played before the character should have went into the boss fight element of the game.

On reflection of this once I was shown by Brian what to do the process was each and without his help, I would not have been able to continue as there was a dearth of tutorial on YouTube. I feel I performed this task well, the game itself has bugs I did not know how to fix so some scenes do not play as intended however I feel I have developed my knowledge and skill set within a limited time frame demonstrating evidence of developing and learning to achieve the end product.

Sound Design;

Adding the sound design to the game, I created the sound design on garage band and an application called launchpad which allowed me to create dynamic sound design for each level for different parts of the level however with the time constraints I was able to add one sound design to a level as I didn’t know how to add sound design to each separate part of the level as I was not experienced enough with the coding. When importing the sound files, I discovered unreal only accepted a certain sound file type – I then had to download audacity and import file to audacity, then export as a 16-bit sound file to import into unreal and use in my unreal scene. When adding music filed to the unreal scene I realised when I change to 16bit file the end result was not the intended sound but on reflection this still worked with the scene as it created an ethereal quality relevant to this post apocalyptic environment.

Adding finishing qualitied to ensure game presentability. I started by making a new level calling it main menu. I then had to import from photo shop 4 images my title, my start button, extras button and end game button. I then wanted to add an animated background I created as a gif but realised that unreal does not support gifs so I had to resolve this problem by transporting gif into adobe after effects of which when I exported from adobe I saved file as png sequencer and imported out. This then created each individual image of the gif (40/50 images of gif moving to created animated effect) once completed I could then import the png sequence into unreal converted the png sequence to a sprite sequence and then converted the sprites sequences into a flip not file. I could then add this as the background of my main menu. After this I had to set up the aforementioned buttons with very basic coding.

The start button when pressed would take the player to the main level
The extras button would take the player to a sandbox level demonstrating all characters transformations and animations
The end game button allowed me to close the game without hitting escape or pressing red x button.

On reflection of this process of this process the set up and coding of the main menu screen was simplistic adding the animated background was the most difficult part as I had to learn from scratch from YouTube tutorial but once learned was straightforward. On reflection I was pleased with the end product.

Rendering out process. – I need to build out the entire game for presentation. to do this I was meant to be able to click build game function on unreal engine on which it would build entire game compress into one file and create a desktop function allowing me to click on game and play it however my computer did not have enough processing power or memory to run the build programme so I had to take an alternative approach which involved downloading a screen recording software know as OBS and this software allowed me to record my screen to show the level and the game itself. On reflection this was not ideal as I had hoped that my final outcome was to develop a playable game for my portfolio however was not a complete loss as it demonstrated all the vital information needed to ensure the development a playable game and the learning processes involved in achieving this aim.

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