Process and Progression: Character Modelling, Rigging, Skin Weighting, Animating, Sequencing and sound design!

This is my FMP for animation, the project was to large to build and export, so I recorded the gameplay and animations within it instead. Because of the size of the task I gave myself with little to no knowledge of the Unreal Engine the characters transformations and transitions are slightly bugged out, but I was happy with the overall final out come.

In this video I show process I took in creating the intended game. All assets were created individually and uniquely. This included the building and scene layout, animating all characters and vehicles, creating the falling builds sequence and final boss cutscene, along with the sound design intended for 3 levels and the start screen. Unfortunately because of the monumental task I gave myself I was only able to finish one level and code only code in on character in the time given. I was still happy with what I got completed in 24 weeks, learning lots of new techniques to take forward to future experiences.

Boss fight intro final render.

Sound Design;


Character Modelling, Rigging, Skin Weighting;



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