During the tutorial review session the purpose of which was to check how I was getting on in the module and my learnings progression, I discussed my issues surrounding Maya, I was assured the matter would be resolved imminently this could not be done and was referred to tech support within the uni. I had no response this week. With no access to Maya I still could not complete my environment design and 3d models which were urgently needed as the group was coming to the end of the project, this reflected badly on me as the group were relying on my input. I contacted my group regarding the sound design, so I agreed to upload this. On doing this I was told that sound design students in another academic discipline were supplying the music for the game and group project. I felt dejected after spending two weeks working hard on this soundscape and could not understand why the group would outsource to someone not within the group. I felt this was time wasted however on reflection I realized I was able to effectively create a soundscape for a videogame and was proud of my development.

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