I checked the discord app to review the progress of the group. I saw no one had been assigned sound design on seeing this. I felt it was an opportunity to finish sounds and present this to the group. On reflection I should have suggested this to the group I communicated with my tutors regarding my access to Maya; they referred me to tech support within uni. I was told to reinstall the version of Maya to the free version. However, I explained the free version does not have what I need. I was told to buy the whole version. I could not afford this package and this increased my anxieties surrounding completing group work. As a result I continued with music design. I utilized the launchpad app to create soundscapes for the games. I used the app to create puzzle music, level design music, credits music, intro screen music and pause menu music. I found this experience interesting as I learned what soundscapes worked best such as techno and urban funk working better than house music as house music was too erratic and relied on a heavy base where the others required actual sound compositions. I managed to complete the majority of sound composition for the game and felt ready to present these to the group. I created around ten sound files to be considered for the project, on reflection I would invest in the full version of audacity to ensure I had consistency as the full free version only gave me 24 hour access and had to uninstall and reinstall daily. On reflection I would have interacted with the group more but was still waiting on feedback from previous weeks work. I felt there was no consistency to the group and was anxious about how to proceed.


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