Week two focused on the presentations as outlined in week 1. Each presented to the class their concepts of their game. This was useful as I was able to compare our work to that of others. I feel on reflection our ideas were unique as we bucked the trend of simply using first person narratives and opted for a third person open world adventure exploration game. On reflection after observing the group’s presentations, I was apprehensive that our concept was too complex. I spoke to the group who were all of the consensus that it was manageable and within our skills set. I suggested to the group that we cans make the game easier with a more fluid storyline however the group did not want to do this, I made suggestion such as how to make the game more user friendly, such as adding an interactive cutscene at the start of the game to explain the ship crash and the rationale for searching for the components however the majority of the group did not want to consider these suggestions. On reflection I felt as if the group from game design knew better however as all my ideas were brushed off and not seen as useful my motivation waned and I was worried I would lose enjoyment of the task. In order to combat this I began my own research into the elements to ensure they were within my skill set to include into the game research included testing out components and if they were not to be included then I would have at least increased my skill set and my own development.

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