This week focused on camera movements, camera tracking and action/cutscenes. My learning allowed me to implement my previous learning on camera movements and camera tracking. This was useful as it allowed me to develop my 1st/3rd person perspective for video game characters. As a group we were able to transfer this learning to our game project most specifically the 3rd person character camera tracking. This enhanced our project as it allows us to provide a more vivid experience to demonstrate how the character works within the game environment, communication within the group was sparse as other members of the group decided to focus on their animation projects. I focused on the spaceship elements of the game, most specifically the repaired spaceship and broken parts essential to the game narrative. This allowed me to enhance my UV skills, on reflection this was much easier as the ship was deconstructed into separate polygons. I chose 5 parts differentiation in size with increased difficulty in finding them within the game narrative.

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