Learning this week focused on aftereffects where we learned about intro and outro animation. We also reviewed trigger animations which I was able to implement and transfer my previous learning. On reflection of this learning I felt I was able to implement this learning to the group project after the introductory cut scene. As I still have no access to the GitHub where the game is stored I have no awareness if this has been included within the final cut of the game. As aforementioned in previous blogs I developed a narrative idea to repair the spaceship and finding the parts to repair it which the group had previously stated they did not like the idea and would not do it as they had a different narrative in mind, however our head of narrative has not been contributing to the group project so they ran with my idea and claimed it as their own and did not give me any credit that it was my actual idea.

This made me feel unappreciated and undervalued. As relationships within the group were already strained I did not approach this with anyone and continued on with my own work.

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