This week we were asked to take the feedback we got on our storyboards and tweek them and make them better. I changed my storyboard to have a scrolling walking animation at the start instead of the panning background shots in may initial storyboard. I kept the transformation sequence but changed the character from sensing an animal and instead had it sensing the presence of evil and thats why it was transforming. The final change I made was instead of the character attacking an animal off screen and then the transition, I had the transformed beast jump at the screen and then transition as it was following through. These are all the sprites I used in the animation.


We were asked to make an animatic of our newly updated storyboards using After Effect, I was able to complete a basic tutorial of After Effects but really struggled with producing the animatic. I tried the video Alec sent into the class but I still get a clear grasp and understanding of what I was to do. I decided to look at YouTube to try and work how to do a basic transition on After Effects as it would be useful for my final animation.


In the end though I decide to take on the extra work, and created the rough animatic on Photoshop from scratch. Here it is edited together with the rest of my groups animatics.

One Reply to “Week 9 : Animatics & Secondary Actions”

  1. Thank you for helping people get the information they need. Great stuff as usual. Keep up the great work!!!

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