This week we were tasked to try and animate 3 different ways a ball bounces using the squash and stretch method.


The first outcome was a simple ball bounce animation. As this was my first bouncing animation is saw the problem of trying to animate everything at the same time. As the ball was falling at the beginning its proportion stayed relative, but after the first bounce it started to shirk which shouldn’t happen when the ball bounces. If I was to do this again I would set a starting, middle, and ending to the balls animation so that the balls size in the animation stays relative at all times.

The second outcome was a ball being hit off a bat. When a ball is thrown at something it always goes in an arcing motion whereas the the ball I animated looks like its been shot from a cannon as it travels in a linear motion. If I was to redo this part of the animation I would give to ball an arch to show the balls deceleration as the batter is about to hit it. This wold also mean that when the batter hits the ball the action would be less rigid allowing for the balls ending to be hit further instead of into the ground.

The third outcome was an experiment of a ball falling and transforming into a slime creature. The only change to this animation I would make if I was to redo it, I would make the slime more jelly like showing it wobble and spring when it hits the ground instead of transforming into some kind of solid rock.

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