Week 10 and 11: Learning After Effects and other Adobe Software’s

My goal by the end of week 10 and 11 was to have a better understanding of both Adobe After Effects and Adobe Animate which I proceeded to use and test in my Final Animation. All tutorial links below: https://www.rocketstock.com/blog/how-to-quickly-stretch-footage-in-after-effects/ https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/animate/using/character-rigging-in-animate.html https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/animate/how-to/layer-parenting.html?playlist=/services/playlist.helpx/products:SG_ANIMATE/learn-path:key-techniques/playlist:topic/set-header:get-started/en_GB.json&ref=helpx.adobe.com# https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/animate/tutorials.html https://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/tutorials.html    

Week 9 : Animatics & Secondary Actions

This week we were asked to take the feedback we got on our storyboards and tweek them and make them better. I changed my storyboard to have a scrolling walking animation at the start instead of the panning background shots in may initial storyboard. I kept the transformation sequence but changed the character from sensingContinue reading Week 9 : Animatics & Secondary Actions

Week 6 : Additional Character Work

I decided that this week I would continue designing my character for my groups Bioluminesunt World. I had just finished watching the new Pokémon movie and took inspiration from the legendary Pokémon in the movie Zeraora which is a bipedal cat. I thought I could redesign it as as a street fighting cat but thenContinue reading Week 6 : Additional Character Work