Photography with Video

Photos from group activity assignment:

Photos I took for my photo book :

My Photo Book :


On the first day of this workshop we had to get into groups of 4 or 5 to come up with a story or idea to then show this through photographs. Our group worked well together when discussing different ideas. We decided to take photo around Belfast to show the story about two tourists who are walking around Belfast taking photos but are followed by two ghosts who are shown lurking in the background of these photos. I enjoyed this as it was fun and allowed me to improve my photo taking skills and think of more creative ideas when it comes to photography.

We were then asked to take pictures that tells the story of what goes on in our lives and then bring these photos in for the last workshop to show these in a photo book. I decided to take photos of places where I live, some where I’m on or getting off the train and a couple with my dog. I enjoyed doing this as it was fun looking for interesting and eye catching things to photograph and I liked editing the photos to make them stand out and fit the colour theme of my photo book. To print my photos I decided to use a photo station as I wanted them to be good quality.

For my photo book I decided to use a greyish purple shade as I thought this would contrast well with the colours and vibrancy of my photos. We were guided on how to make the book. Making the book didn’t take very long and was pretty simple to create. I struggled a bit with figuring out what order my photos were going to be in and how I was going to set everything out but I eventually figured it out by coming up with the story behind my photos which was showing my journey home as it’s getting late going back to something I love. After sticking in the photos I decided to use some materials on the pages to help it stand out more. I used materials and colours that I thought matched the photos on each page. Overall I liked how it turned out especially the colour scheme as I think it gave it more depth and gave it more emotion. Although I do think I did too much for some of the pages which I think made it a bit overwhelming and it might of looked more effective if I didn’t use more than one photo for almost all the pages.

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