Running jump


The animation above was done in class. It’s hard to tell at first, but because of the frame rate,  I think the character’s jump is too slow but the other movements look fine.

This was my original jump. Later on the jump got changed to a running jump so I had to change this. If I had more time I would like to have tide up this animation as I feel like I could have had a better result if I put more effort into it.

For practice I decided to follow this YouTube tutorial for a running jump animation.

After I did the tutorial I tried to do my own version. I originally wanted to do this jump in 3D but I could get the animation to look right especially the roll out of the jump so I decided to do my running jump in 2D.

The sketch animation was doing in procreate and cleaned up in Harmony.

This is my old version of the running jump but I didn’t like how it looked so I redid the line art.

I test did a 3D animation for a running jump but couldn’t get it to look right so I decided to do redo the running jump with a 2D animation which I think turned out much nicer.

For the running jump I decided to do a leap jump. After some feedback I added in a frame to help make her arm movement make more sense .

For this running jump animation I wanedt the jump to have character to it and not be a basic jump. I wanted to do a dance jump.

I ended up doing two dances jumps, a Calypso back leg bend and a centre leap.

I used this video from dancedeja on YouTube as reference for both of my 2D animations.

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