Character Icons

The UI was Designed with two spots for character icons.  At the moment we have two place holder images which are both concept art of the Raccoon.  I was finished with all my animations so I volunteered to draw the character icons. I was also given the suggestion by Jamie to draw borders to go around the character if I had the time.

The images below are the drawings for the character icons.

As these icons were for the UI I thought it would be a good idea to have the character drawn and coloured differently from how they looked in the game. I thought this would be good because the stand-in images for the character icons were images from the Raccoon concept art which was more detailed than our final design and animation. I thought having more detail in the colouring would look and fit better in the UI.

Borders for the Icons.

Jamie suggested that if I had the time, to do borders for the character icons. He suggested to look at the borders for Nintendo switch online profile icons. This helped me picture how I was going to go about to the different borders for the Raccoon and Bunny.

The images below are the design of the border for the icon.

I decided to do half a eaten apple for the border of the Raccoon and carrots for the bunny character which match the dizzy animation of both character.


The images below are the final character icons.

Raccoon and power up animations


I did the rough animations on proceate with my iPad as I’m not very confident in using harmony for rough animation just yet.

Before I started doing the finish version the Raccoon’s character animations, I did a couple of tests on ToonBoom harmony.

At some point in the process we had the idea to give the character hard hats, however later down the line we decided not to go with this idea. When I was happy with my rough animations, I then imported them into ToonBoom Harmony to begin the line art.


I did the Line art of the animation for the raccoon. I am decided not to colour at this point in time until I see how Abby’s animation looks so it will be easier to edit. Abby and I both decided to use the 2 pencil on harmony so our animation had the same line thickness.

I did some touch ups to clean up the animation, then I coloured in the frames and added some final details.

After feedback I realised I’d forgotten to add the vein on the angry animation.  It was then suggested to add in ice on to frozen animation to make it look more cold.

I was asked to do the animation for the bomb power up. I found this difficult at first and couldn’t figure out how I would go about doing this animation but after I watched a couple of YouTube videos I was able to figure out how  to do a bomb animation.

Post Production

When all of the animation was edited and complete and feedback received,  I exported all the animations images and put them in folders named for each animation.  I then uploaded them onto my google drive so I could send the link to gamers so they could put the animations in EU5 for the game.

Raccoon design update

After some feedback I changed the saturation of the colours on the Racoon, as it was pointed out to me that the colour/saturation on the Raccoon was much brighter than the colours/saturation on Abby’s Bunny character. To fix this error I made adjustments to the saturation scale so the colours better matched the colours/saturation of the Bunny character.



I also redrew my character sheet by using my cat as reference point. My last character sheet had errors in the shape consistency. So I made a My little pony: Friendship is magic mood board that way I had references to look more closely at when drawing and recreating the Raccoon character sheet. This was to help me ensure I had more of a consistent graphic art style.

When re-drawing the Raccoons, I made sure to draw the raccoon less fluffy looking making the design more simple and this way it is easier to animate and also to make  the Raccoon character better match in with Abby’s Bunny character in art style.

The image below is what the Raccoon animations will resemble in the animation art style.


Block Designs


This game is a stacker based game where you build the biggest tower to win. so logically this game needs some blocks! The block shape we will be using for our game are the standard default blocks you find in most stacker themed games like Tetris.

We all agreed to each design two different block designs for two shapes that meant each of us were designing 4 blocks in total.  2 for the Raccoon assets and 2 for the bunny. I went with the I-block and the J-block.

The image below shows which member will be designing which block.

Malcolm= L-block and  Z-block

Cate= S- block and because we need an extra on we added a C-block

Abby=O-block and  T-block

The Images below are my 4 design for the blocks I had picked.

The blocks for the Raccoon were based on trash and half eaten fruit and the Bunny’s blocks were based on hay and fresh vegetables.

We had difficulty trying to get an art style for the blocks. Each of our blocks looked too different from each other. So, we ended up coming to the conclusion that one of us should draw/re-draw. the block designs. The next person then was to do the line art for the blocks and then pass them on to the next person to then do the flat colour. The last person would then add in shading onto the blocks.

Everyone picked which part of the process they wanted to do. I suggested the idea so I let everyone else pick first.

I ended up on design/re-designs.  The images below are the sketches of all the block designs.



I used a drawing guide that’s build into procreate to get the correct sizes for each square of the blocks. Each square is 25X25cm.


We all liked the look of how Malcolm did the line art in his block design so we all collectively decided that Malcolm should be the one to do the line art for the blocks, so once I was done I sent my sketches to him. When Malcolm had completed the line art, he sent Cate the line art with a transparent background so she could then do the flat colours. After Cate was done with the flat colours she sent the blocks files to Abby to be shaded.

The image below is what the blocks ended up looking like for the game.