Week-6 Animation strategies

I went back and made sure all the animation cycle looped 3 times for each animation.

I wasn’t happy with my old personality walk cycle so I decided to start over.  I used an 3D walk cycle I did as a reference for this, I also decided to do this from the front view so I can better show the personality of this walk.

I used the 3D animated walk I  made to makes things go quicker as this was my second attempt.


The hair wasn’t looping correctly in the Personality run so I went back in later and fixed it.

Week-4 Animation strategies

This week was a all about run cycles.

Run cycles have one extra frame than walk cycles and are done on 1s and not 2s or it will look more like a jog.

Both Alec and Aodhan went over how walk cycles work on Blender and Harmony.

After class I began on my run cycle animation.

I wasn’t happy with now this looked so I when back and cleaned it up.

I also changed it from being on 2s at 24fps to 1s on 15fps.

I got my basic and personality walk cycles finished this week as well.

Final walk (basic)

I cleaned up the lines and made the pause between steps longer.

Final walk (personality)



Week-3 Animation strategies

Week 3 was about walks with personality.

We were given videos for references.


After lunch we had a double bounce animation exercise with Aodhan. Unfortunately I was having tech problems and wasn’t  able to get this done on harmony but I tried the double bounce animation on procreate.

Using this as a animation reference.

Once I was home I redid the double bounce animation in Harmony.

I got a start on my basic walk cycle for my animation assignment.

Since I was having trouble with Harmony I decided to watch a YouTube tutorial.

Later on in the week I started the walk with personality. I began blocking it out with the Rain rig.

Once was happy I did began to work on it in Harmony.

I added secondary action and a slight pause between steps.

Week 2-Animation Strategies

I was off  sick so I was working for home.

This Thursday we had a guess lecturer Rachel Dixon. Rachel’s lecture took a couple of days to be uploaded to Blackboard so I kept myself busy by watching a couple of videos about 3D animation by Doodley on YouTube.

I also watched 16 walk cycle- different attitudes


I ended up following a walk cycle animation tutorial by Doodley.


This is my finish walk cycle after following the tutorial.

Aodhan went over how to do a 2D walk cycle on Harmony. Aodhan’s lessons was on to animatie the legs and arms.

I tried to do another walk cycle animation for practice on Harmony. This time it was from the front. I tried to pay better attention to the secondary actions of the hair movement.

I decided to do a practice animation on a walk animation from Steven Universe .

week 1 Animation strategies

Thursday’s module for this term is Animation Strategies.


Alec talked about the difference between IK (inverse kinematics) and FK (forward kinematics) and how to switch between the two when animating and posing a character rig.

We were asked to download the Snow and Rain rigs and practice posing the model to get used to using rigs.

Using pictures references I found on Pinterest I did a couple of practice poses with the Rain model.




After I was comfortable posing the rig I decided to test posing the face.


After lunch Aodhan did an intro to Harmony lesson.

I was finding using Harmony difficult to work so did a basic walk cycle for practice.


For homework I did a 3D walk cycle using the Rain rig.

Using this for reference I did both the 3D walk cycle and the Harmony practice walk cycle.