Character rigging

During week 11 we learned how to rig a character. Rigging a character is how you make it move and involves using bones to create a character armature.

We add bones on one side of the model first, the placement of the bones determines how the character moves, once you’ve got once side done you can select the bones (not including the middles bones) in edited mode. Then click the armature tab and go two names and select auto-name right/left.  Now we can symmertise the bones. (Bones will only mirror if they are named first)

Once the armature is made, then select the character model and the bones parenting them with automatic weights.


Character rigging (monster)


As my character has wings I need to add in the bones there to. If I don’t, when I go to pose the character after I parented with weights the wings will bend and move along with the arms or head warping the wings. By adding in extra bones in wings prevents that from happening.

Once my character is fully rigged and parented the model to the bones with automated weights I can now pose my character. (I also parent the hair, eyes and eyelashes to the bones with automated weights)

I imported my mirror model along with the textures into the file and posed the character with it.

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