200 Words Reflection on Dez

When I first was handed the assignment I wasn’t sure how I would manage as creating a new character model from scratch seemed like a very daunting task to fulfill. At first I was considering doing a kind and overall caring kitsune character which appeared mythical and full of mystery that was just ready to be explored, however as I experimented with other ideas I found myself falling head over heels for the idea of a retired elderly kitsune which was spending his retirement in the hotel of the Hotel Transylvania movies. The more I experimented the more I fell in love with the idea and when it came to deciding on which idea we would choose, Dez the grandpa kitsune just won my heart over.


I was late to start modelling him as I couldn’t find a method for his inital blocking out stage but once that was handled there was no stopping his production. Sculpting his details came easier to me and when I found myself looking at him coming together I knew he would be a good model, although one of my biggest let downs in my opinion was my time management, as if I had allowed for more time on the retopology of him then I don’t suppose I’d have been as stressed near the end.


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