Week 8, Flour sacks’o’plenty!


For week 8 of the animation studio module we looked at the concept of using anticipation poses in animating before as well as having reaction poses which follow an action after it has been animated. As the activity to give us experience with animating this sort of flow of an action our lecturer got us to animate a flour sack jumping from one side to the other which followed the natural arch of actions.



Another thing which we covered this week was how to successfully create and label storyboards which we would be creating for our individual sections of the animation jam we are completing for this assignment. For the work we had to complete over this week we had to construct storyboards for the individual parts of our animation that we would be animating, my part I decided to work on was part three of the Spy birds animation jam where the Pigeon character hands the photos it had captured to the Robin character while in a park tree.











If I could I would go back and try harder to keep the camera stable and take off the frames at the end where the Robin goes to take off. As it doesn’t really work in the animatic which will be shown in Week 9’s blog.

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