Category: Visual

Interaction Design – App Design

This was a group project based on plagiarism, together we brainstormed a variety of ideas to create an app that would help guide anyone or especially students against copyright. My role for this project was to create a mind map, a keyboard and the logo.

We had an idea of a traffic light system, which will show a traffic light icon on the website with the following colours of red, yellow and green. When one of those singular lights flash it will indicate a percentage of how much you may have copied from either a reference or another website. Anything greater than 10% a red light will flash, anything between 5% and 10% will flash yellow and anything less than 5% will flash green.

There is also a setting of a Harvard Referencing Conversion and a chrome extension . These settings are to help with a variety of options such as: assistance with essay writing, spelling, highlight text, references or research.

Our website layout was to have a side bar menu, a drop down menu that will show all the options and icons, subscription’s, a chat bar for when you can chat to others participating, lecturers posting lessons, group calls and discussion’s, an online library where you have the chance to access any books, resources and an online quiz based on all topics.

For advertisment purposes, we would share this app on various social media platforms such as: Instagram, Tik Tok, linkedin, Facebook, playstore/app store, YouTube and Twitter, which you can also install or download from.

Graphic Design – GIF

Here I’ve created a GIF using my 12 chosen designs.                                  I really like the outcome as I think this is a nice way to present or create some form of showcase of all work and designs.                         I’ve found that  using the GIF maker website was straight forward as this would be something that I would like to attempt again.


Graphic Design – graphic language

These are a series of graphic language design ideas that’s based on different elements such as: shape, balance, rhythm, glyph, type etc, which I have turned into small initial sketches influenced by their name. I’d decided to keep the sketches black and white, then experiment with colour when designing these elements digitally.




Jamie Reid’s Art Exhibition – observation sketches

Whilst visiting the Taking Liberties exhibition I had created a series of quick observation sketches of the artists work along the way. Within these sketches I had just included a few individual pieces that I had taking great interest in and I had also taking consideration of the space surrounding and layout of their work, as the artist had a great display.