Reflection & Notes

In this assignment our task was to form a small group where we would research the development of animation from an area or country. My group was about Japanese Animation and it was formed by Jessica, Joyce, Chloe and me. In the beginning we already talked about how it would be the process so we wouldn’t get lost in the research, which in my opinion was the most difficult to do!

But thanks to Chloe and Joyce I had a lot of help and support where always when I was in doubt for reasons of language they with all patience came and helped me to understand more what we were going to do next. Following our group talk we decided to have a small meeting where we would talk about what subject we would point on our poster, I searched some themes and some topics that we could talk about but I couldn’t get any ideas, but thanks to Chloe we had some subjects that we could talk about.



From the beginning we were very interested in Mikazaki Studios where we could talk and choose what we were going to do on the poster

Research & Notes: 


After doing some research and also watching some films to remember some aspects of the characters that Hayao Miyazaki created. With help in some parts I had to watch some documentaries where they gave me more ideas of how the director Hayao Miyazaki did to make the characters and the films as for example as the ideas see.

One of the documentaries that helped me a lot was the YouTube channel ‘Any-Mation’ (Hayao Miyazaki | The Mind of a Master) where it helped me open my mind more with the information and understand more about the artist.


So I started my notes where I put everything I could pick up and understand about the characters’ styles.

Character Designer:


After having made some researches and having also made notes I started to make the cream of what I was going to put in the poster to be spoken, my intention was not to leave too much information where it would be tiresome of in the visual and in the reading, so I made a short paragraph giving a small explanation.



Poster Designer:

With the poster part we had an easier time to do and it seemed that the ideas of each one of us got together facilitating the final process, we had stages and thanks to Joyce we organise very well the schedules of each process of the poster. We had some meetings where we talked about how the poster would look and how it would be visually we had the idea of using a more detailed poster but that had space to put the information and images that we really wanted to put and with a little colour.



Final Poster: 



With all the work process I was very happy in finishing the poster and with the final result that was, our group worked a lot with the research process. I liked very much of having made group with the girls we got to have a good process of evolution in house process of the poster where each one had an idea and almost always the ideas joined.

I did have some difficulties as in the part of researching on my part but with the help of my group I could understand and proceed with the ideas that were being evolved, and for the poster designer I liked very much and feel very satisfied with every detail done visually.
With the presentation part I liked it a lot because it wasn’t stressful and it was much more relaxed than I thought, Brain and Yuan had a lot of patience and focus to understand me and it made me less nervous when I was talking.



Spirited Away: A Masterclass on Color, Sound, and Silence at:

An Analysis of “Miyazaki Hayao and the Aesthetic of Imagination” at:

Into the mind of Studio Ghibli: More than cartoons at:,that%20adults%20can%20relate%20to

Hayao Miyazaki: The Art of Repetition at :

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