{Week 4} Escape Layout & 3D Previs

Escape Layout:

Voice Call (communication)

On the fourth week on a Wednesday our group last week had arranged to have a small vc to talk about our process of doing the layout where we would talk about how the location of the bakery, location of the windows, doors and tables would be.


At the meeting it was me, Eve, Joyce, Zoe and Jessica talking about how it would look, Joyce, Eve and Zoe had great layout ideas so we could share the ideas and have good communication and we used a local site to share the screen so we could see the ideas in drafts. So the girls and I talked about separating out what each person was going to do.



After a few minutes our group finished our vc and we started to prepare the layout stuff, Eve was in charge of drawing and making a clean vision of how it would be inside the bakery and I was in charge of modelling in Blender.




In the process of making the layout I started by doing a simpler style like ‘3D floor plan’ where by our idea it would look better for our scene. In this task I was selected to do the layout modelling with the initial idea that the group decided to do, after Eve made the drawing of how it would look like I started my modelling.

3D Modeling


Doing the modelling I didn’t have much difficulties but to help me for being my first one doing a layout in Blender I had to do some researches that helped me a lot in the process and also researched some ideas from inside the Bakery to know the items inside the Bakery. In the middle of the process I had a little confusion of a part of the drawing that was the position of the table but sending to the group I had a help that made me understand the drawings.


Help videos:


Inspiration :




Layout Process:



3D Previs:



With the process of eating we had a meeting to select the storyboard scenes that each one would do as Previs. In this part Zoe had a good idea to separate the scenes and facilitate the group to select the scenes, I got the green part of the scene.



At the meeting, which lasted a few minutes of conversation between us, in the process Zoe shared the canvas so that we could get down to work.


File Group :

To facilitate the access of files Jessica made a file share on one drive that helped a lot to share the files where everything is organised and stopped certinho.


Character Together:


In the process of the characters Joyce put all the characters together so we have an idea of how would be the junction of the characters finalized in the creation part.

After together and have some ideas I wanted to make a small change in my character in the part of the eyes, my intention is to change the colour and shape of the eye leaving more round to match the other characters in the animation and also made another change in the bottom of my character (Cupcake) where it was not pleasing me so I did a little question to my group where they liked the change that was better in the part of designer Low Poly.




Making the delivery of the Previs each one of the group had a part to make of the 3D previs, I made a simple previa of the scene that I was selected to make. I confess that in the beginning I had some doubts that was leaving me very confused but to help me I watched some guides that were a great help in the process.

To make the preview I made a preview with 00:06 seconds to fit in with the other videos in the groups.



Help Videos:


Practice Process:

In class we had some activities where we practiced a little, in the beginning we had some difficulties that made me take a long time to understand better how to work with the camera and graphic commands.But to help me I had great help from the videos that were a great help to understand what was to be done.


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