Category: Workshop 02

Fine Art – Day 6: Final outcome

I attached the room to the ceiling so people could just come and see what was inside without having to worry about lifting it up. Though it was put at my height so some had to crouch down or stand taller.


I kept the furniture plain because I didn’t want to take attention off the yellow wallpaper. I think if I had more time I would like to make the furniture a bit more neat and precise though I’m still happy with how it turned out. I also think I would have added audio to make it more atmospheric in there. I do like the effect of being in the room though, its actually quite cosy which is how I want the room to come across though when the house spins it can become a little disorientating.


I really enjoyed letting people look inside and getting to see their reactions after coming back out again. I think it was well received and enjoyed by most who tried it out. I’m really happy with the final outcome and would love to make a more developed version at some stage.


Fine Art Day 5 – Sculpture

Scrambled egg room wall paper. The ‘Scrambled egg room’ is a room in my auntie’s house affectionately named after its yellow and white wallpaper. The reason I wanted to use this as inspiration for my sculpture was because it has many memories associated with it as it’s where my sister and I would have stayed most often when visiting. The wallpaper will always be something that I associate with some of the memories made in that room.
My original idea for my sculpture of sheets stained in the pattern of the wallpaper and to drape them around so that people could walk through and be surrounded by the room in a way. Though I began to be concerned with how it would actually look with no explanation and moved on from this idea.


After more brainstorming the surrounding fabric became a diorama of the room and then with advice from Laura became an interactive sculpture where the viewer puts their head in to look around the room. I also tested some fabric to see if it would have the effect I wanted.
I wanted to make the outside look like a playhouse or doll house as I had imagined it to have that playful theme of childhood. Also whilst constructing the box I was sitting in it a lot and it felt like I was being transported back to that time in childhood when a cardboard box and imagination was enough to be called entertainment.

I wanted to make some furniture for the room as I wanted there to be a little more to loom at than just yellow walls, though I wanted to keep them simple and not paint them so it didn’t completely draw attention from the wallpaper as it is the main part of the piece.

I started to construct my own box so that it was able to fit around people’s heads without feeling too closed in and gave them the opportunity to look around the whole room. while making this and thinking about how I wanted the outside to look I decided to just have the front have any kind of design as leaving the rest as a regular taped up cardboard box represents the imagination of childhood.
Acrylic paint on fabric for the wallpaper.

Fine Art – Day 4: Print

Using my collage of Monea Castle I creating this simplistic etching. I didn’t want anything overly detailed as I felt it wouldn’t fit with my previous work in this workshop.
The final outcome of my prints were a little more eerie than I had expected, I had originally been going for a more clean clear image but ended up not taking off an awful lot of the ink leaving this kind of fog surrounding the castle. I quite like this as I think it adds mood to the work instead of just a clean cut image with nothing else to look at. It creates a more visually exciting piece.
I feel I could have been more experimental with the tissue paper I laid down, as I had been worried about making the print too much. Though, I think I could have been braver with size and placement as what I did doesn’t look intentional.


Fine Art – Day 3: Collage

Post box bus stop
Monea Castle
Wet floor sign
Out the window
Sienna’s Flowers
Mum’s Flowers
Green Kitchen chair inspired by the work of Florence Hutchings.
I had already been working on collages in my sketch book so for our collage workshop decided to recreate one as a painting and use techniques we learnt during the morning brief. Using cut out stencils I created the pinks and red flowers surrounding the chair, and using masking tape I created random shapes and used oil pastels to scribble over to keep the naive feeling the original collage had.

Fine Art – Day 2

For our first day in the studio for the task set, to create a piece larger than ourselves, I decided to recreate Marion Adnams bird from ‘Alter Ego’ that I had a sketch of in my sketch book. Using charcoal I was able to sketch out the general outline before going in with more details. I think the effect of the charcoal adds to the haunting atmosphere the bird skeleton has.

Fine Art Liminality Research

When I first started researching Liminality, I immediately remembered how George Shaw said his work had been described as ‘Liminal spaces.’ This inspired me to look at more of his work where he had been taking photos in the area he grew up. This started me on the idea of memories and that transition of time and how as memories fade they can change into something entirely different.


When researching Liminality in art it was all very dreamlike and surrealist so I started researching some surrealist artists such as Marion Adnams, who painted ‘Alter Ego’ which features the two figures above. I ended up not really following this type of work but it helped to look what was out there.
Inspired by George Shaw’s series of paintings where he grew up, I began to take images of places of significance to me from home to recreate in some sketches and collages. This particular sketch is of my neighbours house which they painted bright orange two summers ago, this stands out to me because every other surrounding house is white or grey and looks so sad in comparison to the Roma’s. Though this shocking colour choice makes the house look like it’s not even meant to be there, I think lends itself to that dreamlike idea of things being unnatural and out of place.
Another sketch from home of a post box I used to wait for the bus at.