Category: Workshop 01

Interaction Design Prototype

After creating my icons, I then started to create a apple watch face with my icons as apps and then linked then so when you tap you on each it gives you a close-up version and you can tap it to be taken to the home screen again. I really enjoyed mapping it all out and seeing a usable version of them all, I adjusted the colours of the background to help bring it to live so tried out multiple different colours and shade before deciding.

Interaction Design Icon Crit

These are my icons that were made on figma this is the black and white version of them.

After experimenting with colours I created this version with a cream and dark blue to have a softer less bold and harsh icons, but I still prefer the black and white versions as it’s so much clearer and bold though I would most likely use the blue ones as icons.

Interaction Design Icon Brief

The brief we were given was to create 5 icons of 5 everyday objects in the house. First I wrote out notes of the brief and background we were given from the presentation, it included want the brief was, want it required, the types and style you could create. I moved on to different areas I could create icons on and decided on the technology appliances.

This page from my sketchbook is when I started exploring different designs for the different icons (I did a websearch for different ones on the market) most were straight forward like the phone, laptop and headphones. Others were more subjective like the tablet I added the pen to make it clear it was different from a phone, the other was the earbuds I was unsure on which of the 3 designs, the small buds, the long buds and the sport style buds to use, so I went and asked multiple people and it was unanimous that the long buds would be the most recognizable as buds.

I these pages are of ruff icons that I edited.


These are the screenshots of each item that are available.

These are images I took of peoples own technology to use as references.


These are my icons on the grid to help me understand how I can make these as simple and readable as possible.

These are my icons on the grid with rounded more understandable as the icons.

I did complete research on some well-known icon designers before finishing my own. Susan Kare studied fine art in NYC with a Ph.D. afterwards she started her career which quicky lead to big things like becoming an original member of the Apple development team to design typeface, then she began creating icons for them with a very limited pace only 32×32 sq these would have to be incredible clear and readable. Her work is instantly recognizable with the company Apple I really like her style as it’s so readable and she has had such a large impact as well. These are some of her icons.





First Day – Interaction Design

This a page from my sketchbook of the brief of the group work where we talked about our different ideas for words and then decided one want would look best, at the bottom of the page it’s the notes and sketches of the second task.

Some photos of us working together to make the first task.

These were my group work piece we completed.

These were everyone’s piece.

These were the second task pieces we completed, my groups ones were the mouse, boat and glasses.