Sculpture/Lens Day3




My object was held up and spun against a black background- I’m very happy with the outcome, the circular shape and spinning motion is very effective; creating a visually interesting and aesthetically pleasing sculpture. The dark coloured bubble wrap created a really interesting texture; If I were to improve this piece I would definitely include more of this. It may also have been interesting to hang the object up, perhaps using fans or natural wind to spin.

I also projected circular framed videos onto this shape, which worked well. It would have been interesting to project my vertical videos onto the object as well, to see how the lower parts would have distorted the image, which is something I regret not doing.

Sculpture/Lens Day 2

◖3D Objects for Projection◗

Creating a sculpture to project our videos onto, my initial idea was to focus on texture; interested in how it would distort the images when projected. However, I was dissatisfied with the outcome – I used tedious methods and the materials did not create the desired effect.

Unsatisfied with this outcome, I moved away from texture and created a new object. Re-imaging the same circular shape that would sway when hung up, as well as achieving a more-effective three-dimensional shape.

Later, I focused again on texture, adding fabric and bubblewrap;

Sculpture/Lens Day 1

◖10 second sculptures◗




View videos (exceeds upload capacity)

Final 5 videos & photos;


Self Reflection

Student Name: Martha Still

Did the introduction / outline for the workshop provide a clear idea of
what to aim for? Yes, I had a clear aim for each workshop and knew what was expected of me.

Was there enough direction / feedback provided? I feel there was enough direction, but there could have been more feedback on work completed during the workshops.

Was I aware that I could seek out and ask for advice if I required it? Yes

Which workshop did I enjoy the most? Outside (Botanic Gardens)

Which workshop did I least enjoy? Colour collage

In hindsight, were there aspects of the workshop that I could have handled
better / improved upon? (Give examples)  I feel my colour collage could have been more experimental with shapes, pattern and colour. For example, I could have traced rotations of one body part or layered up sections of coloured paper to create more interesting textures. As well as this I could have added smaller shapes to create different patterns.

Any other comments / reflections : None 🙂

3D Draw 1

Continuous Line / Wire

Continuous line studies, A1 , Pen 20-50 secs, 1-5 mins

Continuous line, A1 , Pencil, 30 mins

Wire creations using continuous line drawings


Continuous line drawings, A1, pen (without crossing over other lines/ going back on lines)

Colour Collage

Colour Collage

Tracing negative space and sections of limbs from this life drawing, I created an abstract collage;

I ended up merging smaller sections together, in order to create longer, flowing shapes. I also used small pieces of paper to fill in large spaces, which created an interesting texture. 

Although largely abstracted, there are still suggestions of form, such as the curved shapes of feet, thighs or arms.
