Category: AAD012

animation – final animation

after finalizing my animation it was only a matter of exporting the entire thing all together. after everything I was finished I can say that I am happy with the way it turned out and although I would change certain things in hindsight I’m still very happy as I have learnt quite a bit for next time.

animation – finalizing

whenever I had all my shots animated and the way I wanted them I had to export them out of after effects in the format of a TIFF image sequence, once all of the animations were exported out of after effects I then put them back into an after effects file as a TIFF format, this allowed me to put the entire animation together with ease as the animation timeline is not a complete mess.

animation – krita

since this was my first time ever using krita I had to get myself use to using it, so for a while I was just playing about whilst trying to draw my buildings. I experimented with most of tools such like the perspective tools, the mirrors, different brushes, and etc. I feel I have got better at using krita and its variety of tools and I enjoyed using it.

animation – the editing of the ots shot

out of all the shot I made, I believe that this one took the most work as it was my first actual one I took into after effects, but it was also some what complicated as I really wanted the shot to pan to the right past the human characters arm onto the animal characters arm and then it would work as a screen wipe whilst still being adding into the animation. I ended up getting help to put a disappearing mask over the top of the first scenery(the humans enclosure)  and then have it disappear behind the heads of the human and animals. Although it was a little difficult for my first after effects project I think it looks great and I did learn quite a bit from it.

animation – inspiration

before I began animating, I first started looking at other animations made for a means to see how they showed a very doom and gloom reality. most of the other animations actually did use a variety of colours to depict a disgusting and grimy reality, however what their colours had in common was how they used many dull colours and hues to help depict a miserable world, for example we can see in the animation short film ‘Happiness’ he show depiction of the world as a “rat race” were the rats are shown as humans going to work and indulge in the likes of alcohol and their most favoured drug which it called “happiness”.

Similarly to Happiness, a show on HBO called “Animals” also show a bleak and dystopian world. In both of these short animations the animators are seen using a lot of dull greens and blues to help convey this bleak life.

animation – bring it to after effects

once I had the layers of the scenes completed I then had to save each layer individually as a PNG without a background. It was important that it didn’t have a background as when it is brought into after effects you can no longer remove it and it will block out anything behind it. after I got the layers saved, I brought into after effects where I could give them basic movements and animate my scenes.

animation – planning out/development of ideas

once I had figured out what I wanted to animate I then began to draw and plan out what scenes I would like to animate, although I knew that not all shots would make it into final production it was still good to draw out all possibilities, just in case. as well as drawing the scenes out, I drew out the different rough shapes and forms I wanted my people/characters to take, this really helped to get my characters drawn on Krita as it was already planned out all I had to do was copy them out of my book.

animation – life drawing

we did a little life drawing in animation as a way to improve our drawing skills and to help us to better capture the forms of the human body, as well as figure out how to draw figures quickly whilst in different stances.

we learnt that in order to convey expressions and meaning in our characters we can show this through body language I.e. their stances.