Week 0 – Induction Activity

Before classes started, we had an induction activity to do with the first years and fellow second years. We were sorted into different groups, and I was put in a group with Abbi Dalzell, Andressa Teixeria, Anna Farmer, Bailey Lloyd, Daniel Millar, Hugh Clyde, Odhran Maguire, Oliver Ferguson and Tiernan O’Donnell.

We were given big googly eye paper plates and told to go around and put them on different objects to try to create characters from them. I just so happened to have some blu-tac on me which ended up helping a lot!

Here are some photos from when we went around the place!


It was really fun going around and coming up with different characters with everybody!

Additionally, we have the Gelatinous Monster from the photo from the stairs.

In class, Tiernan made a list of the characters we have and I did some sketches of a few of them.


And during the week, at home I created a little animation for the plant pot monster. It’s a little rough but it was a lot of fun and got me warmed up with animating again!

All of our work was presented in class that Thursday – I wasn’t able to come in that day, but it was really fun working with everyone and getting to meet some cool people!

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