For week 11 with Kyle in IXD301, we got the opportunity this week too have a catch up week in class which allowed us to use our time wisely to request help from Kyle to help with our prototype and also gave us the chance to further work on designing our application and getting casual face to face constructive criticism from our classmates if we thought it was needed.

This class I found really helpful in terms of just having my own time to myself to solely focus on improving elements of my design and prototype. I enjoy having the time in class to freely work on my projects as I feel I can get a lot done in this environment working alongside my classmates in comparison to possibly being at home and the motivation to complete work isn’t as strong during the afternoon.

For this weeks class I decided it would be best to spilt my hours in class in half. So from 10:00am – 1:00pm I solely focused on my areas of design using my iPad mainly to design concepts of my element projects such as my professor I created using procreate. I also used this class to create my design behind my buttons and getting the opinions off my classmates to ensure I was choosing the most effective and fun looking design. I also took this opportunity to see what they thought of my design ideas to represent the elements I had chosen to determine their understanding of the ideas I was going for with this project because if 20+ year olds couldn’t understand that I had designed a tin can to represent the element of tin in the periodic table, I wouldn’t expect 8-10 year olds to make the link.

Sketches and final design of illustration I aim to include in my application:


Elements illustrations – For this I noted down way I could breakdown the element in the form of an illustration for example for silver I had to the choice of silver coins or silver cutlery.









Character design – For my character illustration originally I was going with the idea of a gold miner that would dig through the underground but when it came digitising my design I struggle to make it look how I picture it would. Because of this then I took the body of the illustration I had design of the gold miner on procreate on my idea and I decided I would freestyle my idea of a scientist and came up with the idea below.



Button designs – These will be white when uploaded to my design

Then after lunch from 1:00pm – 4:00pm I decided I was going use the remaining time in this weeks class to my benefit to make a start on my presentation that is due in the following weeks (week 13) for IXD301. This presentation is to include a 5 minute recap presenation of my process of creating my website portfolio and a 5 minute presentation about my currant process and where I currently at with my Elements project.


I started then noting down everything I was aiming to include in my presentation and then headed over to using Canva as my main source to create my presentation. I use Canva regularly for projects as in the past I have been able to create strong presentations using the tools that come with using Canva. I will then be aiming for the end of the week to have completed my presentation for both my projects including all major points of my process in order to have time to prep, prepare and practice before I go through the real thing in week 13 with Kyle.






Kyle stated to us that for this week we should focus on beginning to prototype our project if we haven’t already begun to ensure full completion for the 6th of January. To start creating and designing a strong brand for watermark,logo, colour and typography.

These main points that Kyle has brought to our attention have been my main focus for some weeks now which makes me feel comfortable with where I am currently in my own stage of this project. I have used Figma prior to this project to prototype and with this knowledge I have been completing areas of my prototype every other day once I complete a design concept that layers in with a particular area of my application ensuring that I don’t leave this key piece of my design process to the last minute and maybe begin to find issue before I can request help before the Christmas break.

Currently then I aim to push on with my prototype and get everything linking up correctly in order to present my idea fully for the final critique next week (week 12) with the class. My brand has been complete for a number of weeks now and with that I aim to present my design to the class next week to get full feedback in what I have created.

Overall I found this weeks class to be really constructive and well needed to have that chill feeling in class to freely cover and complete what we wanted to complete. I feel for this week I have completed what I intended on doing and more than happy to come out of this class moving in the right direction for my elements project for the final critique next week.


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