Week 04 – Type Specimen Group Critique

Previous Feedback on Initial Designs

I asked Jonathan, another student of the course, to give me some feedback on my design and see there was any improvements I could make. He said he loved the design I had wanted to choose for my final piece and thought it was a creative use of typography. The feedback I received from lecturer before the session was that the design I had created and wanted to go with as my final piece was too busy and I should consider taking some elements out to create more space between other elements. After receiving this feedback I went back to change my design with the suggestions I was given.

I have included the design variations, both before and after, below to illustrate the changes I made.


Initial Design 01


Initial Design 02


Initial Design 03


Initial Design 02 Revision


Initial Design 01 Revision


Group Critique Feedback

When reviewing my work in the studio and getting feedback from my lecturers and other students I had very mixed opinions, obviously design is subjective and its rare that two designers will agree but I wanted to ensure the design was functional and is focused on what was being asked within the design brief. I displayed all of the designs above and explained why I chose the design I did, after Kyle had a look at my work before he followed up by saying the design choice made the design less busy but the colour red should be included as he really liked the colour palette used throughout the project.

I feel like the design is less busy but the reduction of elements has removed part of the story behind the piece of design which was being influenced by the Bauhaus design movement, I agree with Kyle that I should include the colour red to ensure the idea is visualised correctly.


Personal Thoughts

Personally, I think the initial design I had created worked for what was asked on the brief for the project and was a creative use of typography by using the white space in between the letterforms, I also liked the idea of displaying the influence of the Bauhaus movement through the use of the primary colours red, blue and yellow. When personally reviewing my own work I understood where Kyle, my lecturer, was coming from with the feedback he gave me and the design did seem a little crowded and I also agree with him that I need to include the colour red as it portrays the idea of the Bauhaus movement more.

I still want to go with the Initial Design 01 Revision for my final piece as I love the composition and layout of the design as well as the creative use of typographic elements through out the page, personally I think I needs refinement on the use of colour but other than that I am happy with the outcome of the project and the feedback I was given.

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