Modern Bank Brand – Creating A Landing Page

Sketching & Idea Generation

Considering Content

Going through content ideas in class and ranking them from most important to least important really helped me get an idea on what I should be showing to my audience first when it comes to content on my landing page. For my bank brand I wanted to ensure that my audience knows that we offer cryptocurrency services and this is what sets us apart from any other bank on the market, I also want to ensure my brands logomark is visible to the viewer in addition to the brands motto and this will give my audience a brief overview on the brand from the get go. Throughout the landing page I want to include the services my bank brand has to offer and what sets us apart from other modern banks on the market like Monzo and Starling Bank.

I have included a list of the content that I want to include in my landing page design below.

  • Logomark
  • Brand Motto
  • Why Choose Volt?
  • Our Mission
  • Buy Cryptocurrency
  • About Volt


I have also included the image of my content ranking and content planning for my landing page below as a quick reference, my research and write up for this is featured on a different post on my campus blog.


Content Ranking


Initial Wireframes & Sketches

After I had thought into the content I wanted to include in my landing page design it made it a lot easier for me to go in and start planning each section of the website, I knew I wanted to include a clean hero section that included the brands motto “supercharge your savings”, I also wanted to include the brand roll out and application interfaces design I created to allow me to portray the brand in its full form.

I had a couple of different layout ideas in mind while I was sketching and decided to do some small variations of the one I liked the most, I chose this layout as I feel like it breaks the content up into bitesize sections of digestible content which will allow for a better reading experience and the user will not get bored or tired from reading long sentences and paragraphs, I also think this layout also shows what the brand has to offer and what kind of services they have to offer their customers and their community. There are some sections within this wireframe that I might remove like the Frequently Asked Questions section as I feel like this is not a hugely necessary component to the landing page and I want to show of the brands style, tone of voice and other elements that help create the brands identity.

I have included some images of my initial sketching and wireframe ideas below to give you an idea on my design thinking and what sort of content and components I was planning to feature in my landing page design.


Wireframe Idea 1.1


Wireframe Idea 1.2


Wireframe Idea 2.1


Wireframe Idea 2.2


Final Landing Page Design

For my final design I decided to stick with the Mundial typeface I was using throughout this branding project to ensure my brand appears consistent across all products both digital and print, I also kept with the brand colour palette using the black, white and blue colours I had selected for the primary palette for this project. As I wanted my brand to have a darker theme as opposed to a lighter theme I decided to keep the black and the primary background colour and use the white for text and supporting sections and the blue to highlight certain elements throughout the landing page.

As my bank brands product will be a digital application where you can buy and sell crypto, manage your savings and use it as an everyday bank, I wanted to show of the master apprentice app designs I had created for my brand as a touchpoint throughout the landing page. I really like how the darker themed mockup fits with the black background, the only thing I would mention is that I only had one option for this mockup and I didn’t want to use a different mockup as this would ruin the consistency throughout my landing page design – more of this mockup design in different angles would have been amazing and would have allowed me to create a variety of different layouts for my sections and content.

Overall I am extremely happy with my landing page design and I think it really shows the brands clean, modern and simplistic personality which is what I was aiming for my brand to be. I think there could be some small. touches made to the design but these are minor changes with sizing and spacing that can be fixed during the build of my landing page for this project.

I have included an image of my final landing page design below to demonstrate what style of design I was trying to achieve with this project.


Final Landing Page Design

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