Week 08 – Group Critique

Group Critique

Group Feedback

During our workshop on Week 08 we went through our banking brand concepts with the group in order to get some opinions and feedback on what we have created so far to help us further develop the brand over the next few weeks. While I was presents my bank brand I got some good feedback on how clean the logo design was and how it looked extremely modern and slick, another positive comment I received was about the brand colours I had selected for my bank brand as a few students within my class thought the black, white and blue primary colour palette I had chosen worked really well with building a clean, simple and modern brand. One piece of feedback I received was about my logo design and the pictorial logo I had created, my lecturer Daniel had said that he initially thought the logo represented a wind turbine when it was paired with the name “Volt”. He asked the class who thought the same and who actually saw the logo as it was intended to be seen and a good amount of students did recognise the logo as the handle/wheel of a bank vault which was my initial aim. I will be trying a different idea just as a back up to try and solve this misunderstanding of the logomark.


Personal Thoughts

Personally I think my group critique went really well and I was extremely happy with the feedback I had received for my bank brand project, I will be considering all the comments and opinions I received through this group critique and feedback session. Moving forward I want to try and refine a couple more ideas for the logomark and pictorial logo to try and solve the misunderstanding on the logo and its meaning within the brand, I personally love the logo I have created and I think it really fits in with the brands values and the products/services the brand has to offer so I will be trying other avenues but if these don’t bring the same connection to the brand I will be using the initial pictorial logo I had designed as it ties in with the brand in multiple ways.


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