Week 07 – Group Critique

Group Critique

During our lecture in Week 07 for IXD104 – Image & Data Visualisation we went through our travel application designs to get some feedback from other students within the class, seeing some of the other students works was great as it allowed me to see other design styles of students in the class in addition to gaining some inspiration from their work. The primary feedback I received on my application design was that they liked the colour palette I had chose for this project and thought it worked well to give a professional aesthetic to the product, some of the class thought the UI design was clean and “slick” which was what I was aiming for with this application – something clean, simple and does what intends to do. Another bit of feedback I received was that they really liked the illustrations I had created for this project and thought they were colourful and playful, I was trying to target a playful style with this application so I was extremely happy to hear this feedback.


Group Critique Miro Board Screenshot



Personal Thoughts

Personally I think I still have a lot of work to do on this project but I am extremely happy with what I have created so far and I think it has a lot of potential to become an actual digital product that is sold on the market, I still have some work to do on my onboarding illustrations as well as my icon set for the project but I am happy with the outcome so far. The feedback I received in the group critique was good as it allowed me to see that I was taking my application in the right direction and people were understanding the features of the application and how it could be used in the real world, I was hoping for some form of negative feedback to allow me to make some enhancements on my ideas so far but nothing was really said in terms of changes. If I was going to suggest any improvements for myself it would be to refine some of the sections within the home page and make some of the components a bit more interactive for the user in addition to refining the consistency of some elements throughout the application like typography and UI buttons and/or links.

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