Modern Bank Brand – Defining Brand Values

Defining Brand Values

For my bank brand I wanted to consider the target audience of who the bank is going to be aimed towards, for this project it is 16 – 25 year olds. I wanted to get inside the head of this age group and see if I was able to think how they would think, as I am currently 25 I will have a similar mindset that the older age bracket of this target audience but for the younger age group they could be more interested in budgeting and getting used to the overall banking system and handling their own money as this could be very new to a 16 year old who has just opened their first bank account.

A huge must when it comes to banking for me is that I really need trust and honesty from my bank in order for me to have peace of mind, this is the sole reason why I switched to Monzo from Nationwide as Monzo were accepting of cryptocurrency investments as opposed to Nationwide who have had a number of issues when it comes to third party investments. As the target audience is the younger age group I will have to keep this cryptocurrency investment situation in mind as a lot of people within this age bracket are getting involved in the space every day.

I decided to create a mind map of ideas to help me refine the values I want my brand to live by, I have included an image below to illustrate my thought process.


Brand Values Mind Map


Brand Values

Honesty – We aim to be 100% honest and transparent with our customers, giving them access to the best savings accounts and ISA’s. We will never lie to our customers.

Loyalty – We believe in loyalty, customers who stay with us for more than 2 years will get access to a number of benefits through our loyalty programme.

Build For The Future – We know it can be a hard task building for your future, this is why we offer a wide range of investment and savings accounts to help you build the best future for yourself without the stress and worry.

Security – Security is our priority, we aim to give our customer peace of mind so they know their money is safe with us.

Customer Service – We pride ourselves on giving the best customer service possible, we are here for you when you need us the most.


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