Final Submission

IXD101 – Interaction Design Fundamentals

Pocket Profiles


Weekly Blog


Project 00 – Create A Manifesto

IXD101 Project 00 – Create A Manifesto


Final Design Submission


Project 01 – Point, Line & Plane

IXD101 Project 01 – Point, Line & Plane


Project 02 – Universal Declaration of Human Rights

IXD101 Project 02 – Universal Declaration of Human Rights


Final Design Submission


Project 03 – A Street Of Crocodiles Website

IXD101 Project 03 – The Street Of Crocodiles (Research & Planning)

IXD101 Project 03 – The Street Of Crocodiles (GitHub Repository Link)

IXD101 Project 03 – The Street Of Crocodiles (Fallback Link (DropBox Download Link))



IXD102 – Introduction To Communication Design

Pocket Profiles


Weekly Blog


Project 01 – Type Specimen For Screen

IXD102 Project 01 – Type Specimen For Screen


Final Design Submission


Project 02 – Design History Presentation

IXD102 Project 02 – Design History Presentation (Presentation Content & Self Evaluation)

IXD102 Project 02 – Design History Presentation (Presentation Design)


Project 03 – Web Essay

IXD102 Project 03 – Web Essay (Essay Content)

IXD102 Project 03 – Web Essay (Website Build (GitHub Link))

IXD102 Project 03 – Web Essay (Website Build – Fallback Link (Dropbox Download))

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