Pocket Profile – Neville Brody

Neville Brody

Neville Brody is an infamous British graphic designer, typographer and art director from the postmodernist design movement in the late 1900’s. Born in 1957, Brody became renowned for his work with typography, magazines and album covers working on projects like The Face magazine and working alongside companies like Paramount Studios, The Times newspaper and was asked to work on the rebrand of the BBC in 2011.[1]

Neville Brody is recognised by his interesting approach to graphic design and typography where he aims towards the style of anarchy, this can be seen in the work he did for the Nike campaign where he places typographical forms together to create a collage of type. Neville’s love for typography extended into creating typefaces where he has created multiple different typefaces of all categories in addition to being one of the founding partners of the renowned typeface website FontShop. Personally I love Neville Brody’s work and I can see a lot of my favourite designers have drawn influence from his work in some of their projects, researching into his life and his work allowed me to gain an insight into his design approach and his methodology behind typography.[2]

I have included some of Neville Brody’s work below to illustrate how he used typographical elements as forms to create designs that screamed the postmodernist design movement.


Work by Neville Brody


Work by Neville Brody


References & Sources

  1. Inkbot Design. 2021. Neville Brody. Nationality: British Born: 1957 Famous… | by Inkbot Design | Inkbot Design | Medium. Available at: https://medium.com/inkbot-design/neville-brody-f8b03288263a.
  2. Wikipedia. 2021. Neville Brody – Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neville_Brody.

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