Pocket Profile – Jamie Reid

Jamie Reid

Jamie Reid is possibly one of the most influential artists from the postmodernist movement and was one of the pioneers of the design movement following the principles and ideas that the postmodernist movement heavily focused on. Born in London in 1947, Jamie Reid was played a key roll in creating the visual anarchy that is referred to as the postmodernist movement, famously known for the work he did with the Sex Pistols his work became a forefront of the design movement and began to influence many other artists from the postmodernist movement.[1]

Jamie Reid’s work featured a lot of cutout typography from newspapers that were later included into his designs to give a more edgy, anarchist feel to his designs. His work soon became the forefront of the punk-rock scene in the United Kingdom especially after his work with the Sex Pistols who were one of the leading bands at the time, Reid produced a number of works throughout his career alongside his works with The Sex Pistiols where he created a series of powerful political art prints that focused on the problems within society during the 1970’s and 1980’s.[2]

I have included some of Jamie Reid’s work below to give you an idea on how he focused on political issues and his anarchist approach to design and the postmodernist movement.


Work by Jamie Reid


Work by Jamie Reid


References & Sources

  1. artrepublic. 2021. Jamie Reid: Art Prints & Artworks for Sale – artrepublic . Available at: https://artrepublic.com/collections/jamie-reid.
  2. Wikipedia. 2021. Jamie Reid – Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie_Reid.

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