Pocket Profile – Emigre Magazine

Emigre Magazine

Emigre Magazine was founded in 1984 and was a forefront for the postmodernist design movement throughout the late 1900’s, initially produced by Rudy VanderLans and Zuzana Licko the magazine became renowned for being one of the very first publications to create some of the first digital layouts and typographic designs with new emerging technology.[1] The magazine was initially self-funded until the magazines use of typography led to the creation of Emigre Fonts which was founded in 1985, this allowed the magazine to sell digital licenses of their typefaces that were used throughout various editions of the magazine and allowed them to fund the project through the revenue of that company up until they released their final edition in 2005. The magazine played a major role in the postmodernist design movement with both sharing the same ideas and principles to one another.[2]

I have included some of the work from Emigre Magazine to give you an idea on their style of design and how they were influenced by postmodernist ideas and philosophies.


Work by Emigre Magazine


Work by Emigre Magazine


References & Sources

  1. Dominic Flask. 2021. Emigre : Design Is History. Available at: http://www.designishistory.com/1980/emigre/.
  2. Wikipedia. 2021. Emigre (magazine) – Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emigre_(magazine).

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