Pocket Profile – Saul Bass

Saul Bass

Born in 1920, Saul Bass was an American born graphic designer who was best known for his work on title sequences for motion-picture productions in addition to his work on film posters and corporate identity. Bass was widely recognised in many areas of design but most prominently his work in developing title sequences for moving-image productions gave his a spot of the key designers hall of fame list, throughout his work at Hollywood Saul Bass was one of the first innovators of kinetic typography which was a new concept around that time period, this was the addition of moving typography within a motion-picture film production. With having such a direct influence on the film industry, Saul Bass also won an Oscar award for one of the films he had create throughout his career.[1]

In addition to his work with kinetic typography in motion-picture productions, Saul Bass was also widely recognised by his work on corporate logos and corporate identity, most notably by the work he had done for AT&T back in 1983 as well as many other widely recognised brand names like Bell System, United Airlines and Continental Airlines. His work on airline company logos became a huge success over the years and his the tulip logo design he created for United Airlines is possibly one of the most recognisable logos of that time period and quite possibly to this date.[2]

I have included some of Saul Bass’s work below to give you an idea on what he recognised for in addition to his influence on the film industry and brand indentity industry.


Work by Saul Bass


Work by Saul Bass


Work by Saul Bass


References & Sources

  1. Saul Bass — Art of the Title. 2021. Saul Bass — Art of the Title. Available at: https://www.artofthetitle.com/designer/saul-bass/.
  2. Wikipedia. 2021. Saul Bass – Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saul_Bass.

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