Pocket Profile – Emil Ruder

Emil Ruder

Born in 1914, Emil Ruder is possibly one of the most influential designers from the International Typographic Style movement in the 1950’s. Best known for his graphic design and typographic work Ruder believed in many of the same principles to that of the Swiss Design movement where he placed a heavy focus on typography for the modern world in addition to the emphasis he placed on systematic, structured layouts. These principles were picked up by Emil Ruder after his studies in Zurich where he was taught about the principles and philosophies of the Bauhaus design movement as well as Jan Tschichold’s new typography principles which had a huge influence on Ruder work over the years.[1]

Ruder believed in many of the same principles to that of the Bauhaus movement which were carried over into the Swiss Design movement throughout the mid 1900’s, specifically in his use of typography where he shared the same idea to the likes of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy believing that typography should be used as a form of communication. This also translated into his use of photography throughout his work where he believed the two mediums should be used to communicate a message in it’s clearest form, this was something Ruder picked up from previous modernist movements that were around in this time period like Modernism, Constructivism and Dadaism. In his later years, Emil Ruder went on to teach at one of the most influential design schools, Basel School of Design, since the closure of The Bauhaus School in Weimar, Dessau and Berlin.[2]

I have included some of Emil Ruder’s work below to illustrate his use of typography and how he was influenced by modernist principles and the International Typographic Style.


Work by Emil Ruder


Work by Emil Ruder


Work by Emil Ruder


References & Sources

  1. Dominic Flask. 2021. Emil Ruder : Design Is History. Available at: http://www.designishistory.com/1940/emil-ruder/.
  2. Wikipedia. 2021. Emil Ruder – Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Ruder.

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