Pocket Profile – Armin Hofmann

Armin Hofmann

Armin Hofmann is another influential name from the International Typographic Style movement during the 1950’s where he placed an emphasis on the principles and ideas of the Swiss Design movement and played a major role in developing the style of design to what we now recognise it to be today. Born in 1920, Armin Hofmann was a Swiss born graphic designer who has worked on a variety of different project throughout his career including the likes of book design, logotype, poster design, signage and even mediums such as stage sets and environmental graphics. His large body of work demonstrates his ability to adapt and apply his philosophies and principles of design to any project making his one of the most diverse designers in history.

Hofmann is well-known for his work on posters and is often recognised by his use of typography and colour which were principles he had picked up over the years from the Bauhaus and Modernist movements, in addition to having his work featured a number of different exhibitions and art galleries around the world Armin Hofmann was also the author the the Graphic Design Manual which was released in 1965 and is still used in many education establishments today as a part of the recommended reading for design related courses. Hofmann went on to become a part of the faculty at the Basel School of Design in 1947 alongside the likes of Emil Ruder.

I have included some of Armin Hofmann’s work below to illustrate his use of typography and colour in addition to his influence on the International Typographic Style and the Swiss Design movement.


Work by Armin Hofmann


Work by Armin Hofmann


References & Sources

  1. Dominic Flask. 2021. Armin Hofmann : Design Is History. Available at: http://www.designishistory.com/1940/armin-hofmann/.
  2. Wikipedia. 2021. Armin Hofmann – Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Hofmann.

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