Pocket Profile – Jon Hicks

Jon Hicks

About Jon Hicks

Jon Hicks is an English graphic designer based in Oxfordshire, England. Born in 1972, Jon Hicks went on to study technical illustration and wildlife illustration in his later years before becoming a freelance graphic designer at the age of 30. Jon is most famously recognised by his work on the Mozilla Firefox logo in addition to other famous brand logos like Miro, Shopify and Mailchimp.[1]

Mozilla Firefox Logo Render by Jon Hicks

2002 marked the year of Jon Hicks’ freelance journey where he founded Hicksdesign along with his wife Leigh Hicks, Hicksdesign has worked with some big brands throughout the years like the graphic design software Canva, the electrical appliance company Dyson as well as the music streaming platform that we see and use everyday, Spotify. Although the company has a huge skillset in logo creation and brand identity they offer a range of other services like web design, iconography and print.[2]

In 2014 Jon Hicks was commissioned to design a new icon set for Spotify, although some of the iconography has been developed and redesigned some of his iconography is still used today. Jon Hicks suffers from red/green colour blindness which means he perceives green as brown and blue as purple, this would result in a confusion between colours so Jon uses a tried and trusted set of colour palettes in his work that he knows will work well when he isn’t working on something in monochrome like icon sets.[3]

Spotify Iconography by Jon Hicks

Lesson Summary

  • Jon Hicks is an English Graphic Designer based in Oxfordshire, England.
  • He studied technical illustration and wildlife illustration.
  • Founder of Hicksdesign.
  • Worked with brands such as Mozilla, Miro, Mailchimp, Skype, Shopify, Opera, Spotify, Dyson and Canva.
  • Recognised for his work on the Mozilla Firefox logo.
  • Started his freelance career at the age of 30.
  • He suffers from red/green colour blindness.

References & Sources

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Hicks_(designer)
  2. https://hicks.design/about
  3. https://affinityspotlight.com/article/design-icon-jon-hicks/

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