Pocket Profile – Jakob Nielsen

Jakob Nielsen

About Jakob Nielsen

Jakob Nielsen is a famous Danish computer interaction researcher widely known for his authority in web and app usability. Born in 1957 and originally from Copenhagen in Denmark, Nielsen went on to get his PhD in Human-Computer Interaction at the Technical University of Denmark, he later went on to teach at the same school and was often called the king of usability.[3]

In 1988, Nielsen founded the Nielsen Norman Group along with Donald Norman, a usability consultancy firm centred around human-computer interaction. They aimed to conduct research into usability testing in internet and mobile applications. Their aim was to help companies produce a more user-centred product though their research and testing methods. The Nielsen Norman Group have worked with many big named companies in industries like Finance, Education, Government and Technology, these included names like Google, American Express, Visa, Sony and Ebay to name a few.[2]

In 2010, Jakob Nielsen began to focus his usability research into mobile applications which were just starting to become more popular and accessible by the public and aimed to see how users use these applications in order to make them easier to use and have a more user-centred design. With this he created what we now know as Jakob’s Law which is a common user experience law that explains how users will judge a certain experience based on their previous experiences in the past.[1]

References & Sources

  1. Wikipedia. 2021. Jakob Nielsen (usability consultant) – Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakob_Nielsen_(usability_consultant).
  2. Nielsen Norman Group. 2021. About Nielsen Norman Group: UX Training, Consulting, & Research. Available at: https://www.nngroup.com/about/.
  3. Dabner, D., Stewart, S., Zempol, E. and Vickress, A., 2017. Graphic Design School. Thames & Hudson.

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