Wilson Miner – When We Build

Wilson Miner – When We Build from Build on Vimeo.

My Thoughts

At first I didn’t know who Wilson Miner was so I had to do some research into the person speaking before watching the video.

Personally, I thought Wilson Miner’s outlook and approach to design extremely interesting and inspiring. I found his view on interfaces becoming apart of our everyday life and how it is causing us to change out environment and the world we live in, he goes on to talk about how humans built the car and the car changed the environment around us by creating roads to drive the cars on.

They’re just things, they’re just tools. – Wilson Miner

It made me change my outlook on how design in perceived and the true purpose behind it, how it can change our lives and create new and innovative ways to how we go about our day to day life. The adoption of the smart phone is one of the greatest changes to society where it allowed everyone to connect with each other at the touch of a fingertip, these tools have now become apart of us and how we live ours lives, its the first thing we reach for when we wake up and its the last thing we see when we go to bed.

The computer is like a bicycle for our minds. – Steve Jobs

I found his view on the evolution of the computer and how we have started removing elements until they are invisible. Starting with a; network, screen and computer, and slowly removing elements until there is nothing there. This can be seen through the development of the computer when they started by removing the network, then the computer until there was nothing but a screen which is what we use today like our tablets and smartphones. Even now we are starting to remove the screen through the use of voice recognition software, this can be seen in new technologies such as Alexa or Google Hub, these new innovations allow users to interactive with these tools in a new and innovative way.

We are in the process of building a new environment where we will spend most of our time. – Wilson Miner

One of my favourite quotes from his speech is “we are in the process of building a new environment where we will spend most of our time.”, this really changed my outlook on design and what an exciting time it is for design and technology. This quote really inspired me to be more innovative with my approach to design and the way I think as well as inspiring me to look at the future and how these products will be used in 10-20 years time.

His views on art and design creating an energy and/or experience resonate with me as it shows design is more than just visual appearance, it is a feeling that can evoke emotion and change the way we think and feel.

If the environment is changing, we need to always be learning – Wilson Miner

We are in the process of creating an environment that is rapidly changing by the day, whether that be learning new swipe actions on a device or application, learning the controls to a new video game or learn how to control Tesla’s auto-pilot. The technologies are constantly growing around us. As humans and investors of this new technology we need to evolving with the technology using the tools with have created to expand out capabilities. We need to learn to listen to our environment.

What I Learned From This

  • History of computers
  • Design grows with it’s environment
  • Design is creating an energy/experience
  • Learning to listen

References & Sources

  1. https://vimeo.com/34017777

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