Final Animation- Adding Personality Section 3

This was the final section that I ended up working on, due to availability of files and such.


The first thing I did was to adjust some of my movements on the graph editor to make it flow just a bit better.

I also noticed that sadly my character isn’t seen in shadow anymore on this wall so I won’t work too hard on this middle section compared to the other two.


I went and copied the similar upper body swinging movement I had on my other files first, working to match up the first frame from the next section to the last frame of this section.

Then I wanted to apply some body movement to make the looking around more real, I wanted the idea of this quick look side to side, while also being conscious of making it humanly possible. I thought this first version moved a bit too quickly and involved the whole body a bit much so I went to redo this a bit.

I went and adjusted the values of the rotation on the base, as well as adjusting the graphs on each of these parts. This looked a lot better, but something was still a bitt off so I had went and moved my head side ot side to mimic this action to see how this moved, and I wanted to try and recreate this movement.

So I played around a bit and this is what I decided to settle on, I wasn’t too sure about this movement but I wanted to get working on some other elements.


I went about first adding in the swings by copying the values from another section into this one. This just has the up and down movement on the swings.

To fix the arc movement on the arms, I rotated the clavicles to rotate more with the turns ( I noted to add this onto my other shots as well, as I think this would make a nice adjustment). Then I went and added some movement onto the starting shot , the idea was that she would reach for the dagger on her waist and then the other would curl up into a fist, so I rotated the arm curling up slighting as if she was tensing up.


Then I went and added on the fingers for these parts to finish them off. I went and made them curl into fists with raised up and curled in the jog, and also had them tense up in the first shot. I then had them splayed outward as they swung back and just reinforced the arm movement towards her dagger.



Since the face is seen quite minimally I went and worked on this next. I went and made her eyebrows raised at first and then lowered them to get the idea that she was shocked by then tense and on edge for what is happening. I also made her frown, and had her eyes lead the head and shoulder movements and closed her eyelids a bit like she was searching for something.


Then I moved onto adding the hair, again by copying the values from another file onto this one. I had a bit of difficulty trying to match these values over for a bit, you can see that at one point it just stops bouncing with the head and this was not what I had wanted at all. I then animated the first section to have some drag on her turning just like I did with the skid shot from section 4.

So I had to go back and fix this up, and to do this I deleted a lot of the keys and tried to manually place these into the areas to see if this outcome would be better, and it definitely was.

Then to finish the hair off I went and added some quick rotation keys to the hair curl to match with my head movement.


For the ears I went about sorting the bouncy ear movements, mimicking what I had set up in my other files.



To finish this section off for fidget I went and animated her details, like the bags, dagger and the jewellery.


The next thing I needed to fix up in this file was the ball, I had decided that I wanted it to teeter on the edge of this slope. I did struggle a bit with trying to create this movement, the first attempt I had it going around in this circle as it rotated on the edge- but this didn’t turn out too well. I looked for some reference online, but nothing I could search was what I needed, so I grabbed the most like thing i could and decided that I wanted to create this subtle teetering around the edge and then have it pause before rolling down.

This is how I decided to finish this movement, by having the ball have a more subtle roll and holding the last frame before having it start to roll down. It isn’t perfect but I did play around with different ways of rotation and adjusted the graphs.

The last thing I wanted to fix while I had this file was the camera, as it was missing its camera shake on the POV part. I went and added a noise generator to the Z location of the camera since I had already had some rotation figured out before. I ended undoing two different passes on these, on with more shake and one with less and I decided to go with the less shaky one since it just was nicer to look at (bottom clip). I think this is quite a small addition but it really helps add to the atmosphere.


The Animation- Fidget Supercut

Then this is the collection of renders I had collect up to this point, I think it was looking really cool. I think it is also nice to see how our lighting changed as we worked on and traded files.


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