Snapdragon Model 1st Basic Pass

I’ve been incredibly behind on this module and haven’t had enough time to try and catch up completely, although I know I need to dedicate some more time to this module. So I had a go at a first rough pass for the Snapdragon model, and although he’s very quickly done I think overall he looks alright and gives me an idea of what changes I might need to make.

It’s definitely not how I want the finished model to look like, especially after feedback that my character might look a little too scary or creepy for the final few scenes of out short, considering it’s meant to turn out that they’re friendly. However, it works well enough for now.

3D Short Film – Character Designs, Animatic and Pre-vis

Snapdragon Design

I have been having a lot of trouble finding time for all the work I feel I need to do for this module at the minute, due to the deadline of the other module and my personal issues of moving house. However, I dedicated some time to putting together a character design proposal for my character, snapdragon.



I agreed to turn Jack’s storyboard into an animatic which would then be presented in class for feedback.

Charley’s Pre-vis

Charley Flint made this pre-vis

Animated Narratives – Production

I already had a group set up for this assignment sorted out, as I’d been asked over discord a few weeks prior if I’d like to work with some other people. My group includes Charley, Charlotte and Jack.

We used this time to come up with a plot and basic storyline, although no name for the short yet!

We ended up deciding on using mushrooms and other plants as the characters in our short, with the mushrooms being the main ‘good’ characters and using carnivorous/creepy plants as the ‘bad’ characters. We have; an Inky cap mushroom, a Fungi mushroom, a Venus Flytrap and a Snapdragon flower.

The basic storyline, which we ended up changing after more discussion over discord is that the mushrooms are entering a forest and encountering the creepy plants, therefore getting scared and running away. However, they realise that the other plants were actually just setting up a party for them.

This was the basic storyboard Jack created for our short for us to continue to develop.

We were asked by Alec if Alexander could join our group as his last group weren’t communicating with him and he wanted to move groups. So after adding Alexander to our discord server, we arranged a discord call to figure out how to add Alexander into the storyline and get him a character. We settled on him being another of the ‘bad’ plants that could be used as a way of forcing the mushrooms to turn around and realise that it was a party. We looked at a bunch of different creepy plants and settled on a Dracula orchard.

We realised that the storyboard needed more camera angles after feedback from some of the lecturers, and Charlotte had drawn up a version with camera angles, also including Alexander’s character this time.

We then combined the two in another digital storyboard.

Smash & Grab Presentation

My Presentation

I was a part of the group that was tasked with analysing the Smash and Grab short film. This is my section of the presentation, although it was handed in the week after as I asked for an extension due to me testing positive for covid a few days before the deadline.

The rest of the group’s Presentation

My Notes

I thought I would include my original notes here, as some parts had to be cut out to try and make it a reasonable length that would’ve fit into the original presentation.

Cactus Project

The coming semester is about 3D animation and learning how to use 3D modelling software for modelling and animation. This little cactus project was an optional assignment to try and work through before the semester actually starts, to try and familiarise yourself with MAYA and the process of modelling.

This is my Cactus, he was very hard for me to make and I shall name him Gerry.

I have used MAYA once before, in a work experience placement where I made a 3D bucket prop for their game, following a tutorial someone working there had given me. However that was a few years ago, and it was still just copying the steps presented to me. I have no real experience using 3D software and I feel very out of my depth trying to do it.

It took me about a day to follow through the tutorial, following Alec’s steps, I had very few issues or complications arise during the process which was surprising to me. I quite enjoyed the process, and I think I am very interested in learning how to actually 3D model on my own, without needing to follow step by step tutorials. I had wanted to try and add some extra things, like blush and a monocle but I was running out of time and space on my laptop, as it doesn’t have a very large SSD. I plan to get a hard drive with more space put in my laptop so I’ll actually have enough space for all these files.

I am quite proud of how it came out, as it is one of my first attempts at 3D modelling, although I definitely played it too safe with the animation aspect of the cactus, as I tried to be subtle with its movements due to my inexperience and just trying to get it done. I should’ve removed the cast shadows from his eyes as well, as I think it would’ve looked better, or cuter. But overall, I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.