I found the perspective assignment extremely useful. Finding where the converging lines meet at the horizon line better helped me understand how to use perspective grids. In my two-point perspective study, I realised that my vanishing points were too far apart and my horizon line was wrong on the first attempt. lines drawn according to my forts grid would have distorted the image. I adjusted this until it made sense. Completing this exercise helped to solidify how I can use 1 and 2 point perspective grids. I can now expand and execute on ideas for illustrations I already intended to make.
This exercise pushed me to get more creative with my compositions. For example the reflection of the nu vogue house in the mirror and the high angle shot of the cityscape. I was focusing on contrast to establish this world by juxtaposing soft and hard shapes of the human and fairy worlds. I noticed I rely a lot on the rule of 3 when composting so I tried to do more with the golden ratio and triangular compositions. Before drawing future illustrations and storyboards I will refer back to the different kinds of compositions and pick which best describes the feeling I want to convey. Going forward I will time myself drawing small thumbnails like these as I tended to get into the details spending more time than was needed and missing my intended deadline.
Character idea sketch fr a banshee speakeasy singer
sketchbook work