IXD103 – Brand Values

After deciding on my brand name and the key values of the brand I decided to have a look at any brands that I felt represent and use the same values that I aim for my brand to use. I set off on a walk around Belfast City Centre to see if I could find any brands that I felt represented some of my brands core values and this is what I found.


Tesco was one of the main brands I thought of when trying to find a brand that focuses on creating a connection with their consumer and providing excellent customer service. As a Tesco employee I can say that providing excellent customer service and making the customer feel a connection with the store is one of the main roles in my Job. After having a look on the company’s website I seen this for myself:

Another one of Tesco’s main brand values and goals is to provide customers with reliable products at a competitive price.  A main example of this would be their meal deal range, which is effective as their consumers know what they are getting quality wise as it is reliable and it is at a very good price. Tesco’s customer focus and reliable product range is why they are so successful against their competitors.








The second brand I wanted to look at was Starbucks due to their fair trade policy they have as a company and how this helps build a connection to their consumers and strengthens their integrity as a company. Their commitment to the fair trade movement is a long standing one with a statement reading: ‘We’re proud of our commitment to buy and serve high quality Arabica coffee that is responsibly grown and ethically sourced. We’ve been doing this for 40 years.’ This commitment to fair trade products allows them to build a connection with their consumer base as they know they are getting a product that will help those who created it with a fair pay.





Their sustainability promise  is what gives the company integrity also as they are seen as a respected brand by their consumers as they aim to be fully sustainable and fair. They achieve this integrity as ‘Starbucks Ethics & Compliance supports our mission and values and helps protect our culture and our reputation by fostering a culture that is committed to ethical leadership and conducting business with integrity by providing resources that help partners make ethical decisions at work.” This carefully crafted reputation is what brings customers like me back to make frequent purchases with them most weeks.









The final brand I wanted to focus on was a brand that focused on simplicity and providing their customers with a service in the easiest way possible. I decided Amazon would be the perfect brand to show this as ‘Amazon’s 1-click ordering, and the resultant user satisfaction with its simplicity, is core to the Amazon’s brand promise. By making online shopping as quick and painless as a single mouse click, Amazon made simplicity and customer-centricity core to their brand over 13 years ago.’ By providing their customers with a simple online store providing everything from A-Z they have established a loyal customer base with the company being seen as the biggest online retailer in the world.

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